Crawford Collection | Irish Artist's Film Index

Crawford Collection

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The Crawford Collection

This page connects you to the Crawford Gallery, our associate organisation which holds a copy of a number of Irish artists' moving image works that are detailed in the MExIndex.

Crawford Art Gallery is a national cultural institution, dedicated to contemporary and historical Irish and international visual art, situated in the heart of Cork City. It offers vibrant, dynamic, contemporary and historic temporary exhibitions alongside an innovative learn and explore programme for our audiences. Home to a collection of national importance, it comprises of over 3,000 works from contemporary video art to eighteenth century Irish and European painting and sculpture.

Crawford Gallery moving image distribution and loans policy

Works from the Crawford Collection in the MExIndex.

A Moment Twice Lived

A Moment Twice Lived

'A Moment Twice Lived' by Martin Healey explores our perception of the passage of time through the subjective experience of memory, aging and dreaming. The circuitous narrative focuses on a fleeting moment when a lone character studies the surface of a painting and begins to sense she has seen the image before. As the character becomes absorbed in the painting’s composition she begins to experience dual realities and the composition becomes visualised as a parallel film shoot in which she performs the lead role. The narrative oscillates between the two inter-connected scenes and the distinction between past, present and future becomes increasingly blurred, creating an impression of time that is distorted. read more >
Dust Defying Gravity

Dust Defying Gravity

'Dust defying gravity consists of a single 4 minute tracking shot that traces through the rooms at Dunsink Observatory, documenting the aging telescopes and measuring instruments arrayed throughout the building. As the camera passes over a mechanical model of the solar system, the dust in the air of the room becomes visible, floating and scintillating like a field of stars.’ read more >
Supported by Kildare County Council Arts Service, Visual Artists Ireland, and the Arts Council of Ireland.
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