For artists

To help artists assess if a moving image work has the characteristics of the genre artists' moving image works or alternative film, see here.
How it works.
The Repository works on a 2-step system.
The first step is to register your name as a Experimental Film Artist (this can also be done byor the artists agent or the copyright holder, if the artist is deceased the artists estate.
Information you submit on each work is checked for relavence and then recoreded in the repository. At this stage this can be seen by registered users only (see criteria). It it is not yet visable on the Index webiste, but is in the repositsrys records.
If the work is found to fulfil the criteria listed below will then be published to the website.
By having information on their work in the Irish Artists' Film Index artists will gain the following benefits:
Their works can be found easily by visiting curators, gallerists, writers and academics across the globe.
The information on the works will be stored in The National Irish Visual Arts Library, NIVAL.
Works may be included in themed screenings and exhibitions by the visiting curators.
Artists works found in the Index by curators have been featured. in a growing number of exhibitions and screenings.
Submitting your work.
All relevant works are welcomed and will be assessed by our administration. Just log in and submit your a work if you think it fits the genre.
If you wish to submit a work for consideration for inclusion in the Irish Artists' Film Index, please register. See here
Once you receive confirmation that you are registered, you will be able to see an option to submit a work at the top of the page.
This will bring you to a pop up form. In this form you can enter the details of the work, and then submit.
Our administration will update you on the status of your application as soon as possible.
Once your work is accepted into the repository, either the public or private section, you can log in any time and update your page. See here
Criteria for automatic inclusion of information on works in the Irish Artists' Film Index Repository
'The repository' refers to the complete data held by the Irish Artists' Film Index, a part of which is the information on works published on the website. But there are a large number of works awaiting publication in the repository which are not visible unless you are logged into the site.
The following works can be automatically added to the repository and the published website:
Works where the artist already has a page on the Irish Artists' Film Index website.
Works selected by visiting Irish Artists' Film Index Curators.
Works held in National Museums, Local Authority, OPW or Arts Council Collections or the equivalent in Ireland/Northern Ireland.
Works that have officially represented Ireland/Northern Ireland at the Venice Biennale.
Works proposed by Advisory Board members. Once a year each board member may propose up to 3 works to be added to the Website. If agreed by all members, and up to 9 works may be published on the site. Lobbying of the Advisory Board will not be entertained.
Works that meet any three of the following criteria can be added to the unpublished part of the repository.
Works selected for open submission by a jury in which professional artists or curators have participated.
Works curated in an exhibition, film festival or experimental screening by a curator.
Works reviewed in a published format, printed or online.
Works supported by funding from Culture Ireland, Arts Council Ireland, Arts Council of Northern Ireland or the equivalent.
Works commissioned by a government, local authority, museum or the equivalent.
Works that have received an award in which professional artists or curators have participated in the selection process.
PLEASE NOTE the artists or their representatives hold the actual works/artifacts themselves. The Irish Artists' Film Index will provide links to same where the artist makes it possible.
The Board of Advisors will review the criteria for inclusion from time to time.
FS September 2022